Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Voting Info for the Michiganders

I've had a lot of questions recently about next week's election. Please know that I don't like the thought of telling people who to vote for - there's a ton of info available online. It's not too hard to find. However, I realize that some people are pressed for time, so I'm doing my best to put a bunch of info together for you. If for some reason you know me and never realized that I'm conservative, then I'll let you know now that I am, though I've desperately tried to keep everything pretty neutral.

First things first - EVERYONE need to visit the Voter Information Center website. All you do is plug in some info and you will get to see what's on next week's ballot for your township, city, county, state, and federal governments. I can only access the info for Elk Rapids, so I can't comment on any issues that will appear in Kalkaska, Grand Traverse, or Leelanau counties (you'll just have to look it up!)

Start here: Voter Information Center: https://webapps.sos.state.mi.us/mivote/

You'll notice that there are actually five candidates for governor and most other positions. The five parties are:
U.S. Taxpayer (Michigan's affiliate with the Constitution Party)

To put these into very loose categories: the Democrats and Green Party are Liberal; Republican and U.S. Taxpayers are Conservative; Libertarians are Moderate.

For information on Rick Snyder, go here.

When you go to vote, most positions will tell you who is affiliated with which party. Some don't, but there are only two people running and you can only vote for two people, so its sort of a moot point. There are a few candidates, however, who are hanging around with no affiliation. To help you out...

Supreme Court - below are links to these candidates' endorsement pages, so you can see for yourself who recommends these candidates

Supported by the GOP:
Bob Young - http://justicebobyoung.com/endorsements/#header
Mary Beth Kelly - http://www.marybethkellyforjustice.com.php5-14.dfw1-2.websitetestlink.com/?page_id=6

Supported by the Democratic Party:
Alton Davis - http://justicedavis.com/endorsements.html
Denise Morris - http://www.deniselangfordmorris.org/Involved.php (couldn't find an endorsement page)

86th District Court - There are two on the ballot, but you can only vote for one. Here are their endorsements:

Kevin Elsenheimer - http://www.elsenheimerforjudge.com/media/elsenheimer-for-judge-endorsement-tally-increases/
Mike Stepka - http://www.mikestepkafordistrictjudge.com/public_support.php

Proposal 10-1: A proposal to convene a constitutional convention for the purpose of drafting a general revision of the state constitution - I googled "who supports this", but I got a website full of people who oppose it. Check it out here: http://www.nomichiganconcon.com/index.asp (you'll notice the Traverse City Chamber of Commerce opposes this)

Proposal 10-2: A proposal to amend the state constitution to prohibit certain felons from holding elective office and specified types of public employment positions. Make a person ineligible for election or appointment to any state or local elective office or to hold a position in public employment in this state that is policy-making or has discretionary authority over public assets, if:
a. within the preceding 20 years the person was convicted of a felony involving dishonesty, deceit, fraud, or a  breach of the public trust 
b. the conviction was related to the person's official capacity while holding any elective office or position of employment in local, state or federal government.
I couldn't actually find anything on this proposal. It sort of seems like a no-brainer to me...

Hope this helps...

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