Saturday, February 16, 2008

Are you out there?

So in my last 492 posts I've only received 3 comments. Have I become so outdated? Am I no longer entertaining? Do I BORE you?? Are you looking for pictures (cuz really...I'm getting fat over the winter...nothing else is changing!)? WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY POSTS?!? I don't do sex and violence, so don't ask. Okay, so I pushed my sister down the stairs once, but that was a long time ago.

I'm going to eat pita chips and hummus...


Camille said...

Threw me down the stairs BY THE HAIR! And broke a BRAND-NEW bathroom drawer as well (we'd been in a brand-new house for about 2 days).

:-) Aren't you glad I leave comments?!?!

Nerdy said...

I'm here. I'm here. I'm here.

Valerie said...

Well hey!!! I leave comments on occasion... and I do leave them on another blog that you run to. Really... how much more do you want from me!??!?!??!

Love ya!