Friday, November 05, 2010

Monday is the start of a new season in my life. After years of hosting my own personal blog (this one), then adding my professional blog (over here), I'm finally going to start contributing to a regional blog - The Barn Door.

This is a midwest blog, written by midwest writers about our midwestern lives. Being a lifelong midwesterner, I'm quite qualified to participate in said blog. It's not a blog about writing (though we are all writers) - it's just about life (through a midwesterner's eyes). I'm really looking forward to it!

My contributions will appear on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month (and I may throw in a couple of others, if needed). I'm not doing this along, though. In fact, I've done very little of the work. Lisa and Patty have really done the hard stuff.

I hope you'll stop by and see what it's like to live in our neck of the woods. 

1 comment:

Joanne Sher said...

Looking forward to this! Exciting, isn't it? (and Patty and Lisa are amazing :D)