Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hug & Groom

Last month I spent four days down with a cold. Normally that's not a big deal, but the week before that Linda had a cough. We spent most of the week at the house while she recovered, then we spent four days at the house while I fought a bug. When I finally felt better I was four days behind in my work and couldn't afford another day off, so I called my sister in law.

I asked my SIL, Beth, if she'd mind taking Linda out somewhere - a movie, to the mall, anything outside of my house. The timing was perfect. Beth was already planning on going to the PEACH Ranch Hug & Groom event.

"PEACE Ranch is a faith based equine assisted therapy center founded on the belief that there is great potential for healing in the parallel process of rescue, rehabilitation and restoration between horses and humans." Every so often they host a Hug & Groom - two hours when people can walk through to meet and pet the animals.
This is an event designed for Linda! She's yet to meet an animal that she doesn't like, and the Hug & Groom was no different. This fellow shown above developed a particular fondness for her.

It was this little pony, however, that captured Linda's heart. We're looking forward to the next event (hopefully sans snow) so we can go back and she can introduce me to all of her new friends.
And a big thanks to Beth for not only getting Linda out of the house, but for introducing her to her favorite horse!

1 comment:

*Snowdrop* said...

Thanks Karin! It was a win win! I had a fun afternoon with Linda! Her loving heart is a blessing to be around! :)