Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Happy Birthday, Linda!!

 O.M.G. - guess who's 65 today?? We started the celebration Saturday with a party at the frozen yogurt shop and wrapped it up this evening with the season finale of Survivor. Overall, it's been a good birth-week. (I tried to put these pictures in order, but Blogger's being stupid again - sorry about that).

Shaina and Linda, post-froyo.

Beery, Beery, Beery.

Pretty sure she was the cutest party-goer.

Beautiful flowers from her brother and sister. If you look closely at that picture, you'll see a young Linda-lu and her siblings too!

That's right - it's Linda's birthday!

Ice cream cake and cookies from Hope and the kids.

Frozen-themed cookies and a candle - do they know Linda or what?

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