Friday, April 18, 2008

Yep, we felt it...sort of....

If you've been watching the news, you may have noticed info on a 5.4 level earthquake that hit central Illinois this morning. That's right earthquake.

It hit at around 5:30 am. I was in the hospital with Matt, he in his bed, me on the couch. The shock waves were felt as far as 300 miles away, right to Indianapolis. Matt happened to wake up a little after 5:00 am and sat awake for a while. He felt the bed vibrate and heard his flower vase and lamps shaking. His thought? "That train is REALLY close." I was asleep on the couch. My thought? Nothin'...I slept through it.

We turned on the news here a little after 7am and got the official news...earthquake. Weird! So I slept through my first tremor...Matt knew something was going on.

What an exciting adventure we've been on!

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