Monday, April 09, 2007

Here they are - my "adopted" kids!

Ohhhh!!! I spent spring break in Port Huron with all of my "adoptive" sorority sister's and their kidlets :) It was too much fun!! So, here they are...all my little chi-chis :) Top center we have, slightly hidden, Isabella ("Bella"), Baby Aidan ("Wubie") and Olivia ("Livi"). Yes, they are in pink water :)
Next, we have their cousins...Mr. Lars on the left and big sisters Sage & Jade on the right (go ahead...guess what they do on Friday afternoons??). I even got to go with all three of them to a gymnastics you know how much fun it is to pull 15-20 kids under four out from the big foam pit?! Hee, hee.
So here they are! Finally, someone cute to post on my blog!!! I'd show you their momma's, my dear, dear friends, but one doesn't like photos and the other one got photoed...behind a pile of little tykes :)
Okay...I'm outtie!

1 comment:

Dupa Jasia said...

There was silence for many minutes. diltiazem. Dennis himself, as I said, never spoke at evista all.. The way the audience caught on percocet shows that.. The moon had risen, and a little breeze waved the hanging moss, and whispered in the glossy keflex foliage of orange and palmetto with a sound like falling rain.. The dream processes, moreover, run parallel with all the other possibilities of the economic relationship used here as morphine an illustration...